

Koen että kahden blogin kirjoittaminen on aikas aikaa vievää, joten päätin lopettaa/ laittaa tauolle tämän uuden. Vanha blogi jota olen kirjoittanut jo kolme vuotta, löytyy täältä : www.itsmeandmylifee.blogspot.fi
Että menkääpä sinne kattelee. piilotan tän blogin jos tää joskus taas nousee pystyyn(::

I just feel like it's pretty hard to write two blogs at the same time, so now I'm gonna say good bye for this blog for a while, but I also have my older blog, which I've been written about three years. You can find it from here: www.itsmeandmylifee.blogspot.fi
Thanks for following me, I'm gonna hide this blog after this week. Maybe some day I'll write this blog again, who knows(; 
Well, byee !
♥: Henna


It's five o'clock in the morning..

Good morning everyone! 
I woke up at six am, because I'm going to Oulu with my friend. 
jippee, shopping(;; 
More about it later. 
♥: Hennaa.



Nail challenge day 7.
Black & white.
Here are nails from Day 1:
 Day 2:
And these are from last week:

What do you think ? (:
♥: Henna



Northern lights

Last night I saw northern lights ! 
It was my second time when I saw them, so I dragged camera, my pedestal and myself on the roof. 
Pretty challenging, but I made it. Here are the results: 

♥: Henna


Your laugh makes me laugh.

I'm so tired.
 I haven't slept well in last two weeks, so I'm too tired to do anything. I only wake up, go to school, go to home, go to dance, go to home, go to sleep. Right now I should just read in Swedish test, which is tomorrow.. omg, i don't want to read. 
Tomorrow is our school's 20-year birthday celebrations, so we have to go to some kind of evening session, but that means, that in Friday we can go home from school at 12 ! And guess what ? Friday is our last schoolday before winter holiday, then I can sleep !! And I'm also going to Oulu on holiday. my friend is coming too, we are going to shopping(; yay, I'm tired but happy (; Okei, here's some photos from last weekend:

 We had dance performance, so that's why I had to buy eyelashes (:

These are from performance too:

L♥ve: Henna


New blog !

Hi ! I'm gonna tell you something about me:
I'm 15year old girl from Finland.
I started blogging about three years ago. 

My other blog is: www.henna-moi.blogspot.fi, and it's allmost same kind of blog as this, except i write this blog in English, and that other blog in Finnish.

My English is not that good, I'm sorry, but that's why I started this blog (: You can tell me if I wrote something wrong !

My hobby is dance, and I also like stretching and gymnastics. I'm in adults competitive group. We dance mostly show dance, but we also practice a little bit some other dances like jazz, hiphob, ballet and modern dance. But not that much ! 

I have a dog, named Dora.

I like polishing my nails and photographing.

I have four little sisters and one little brother.

I'm in ninth grade, and then I'm going to go to highschool in Oulu.

Now I live in Kuusamo.

Well, you're going to know more about me when you keep reading this blog.
Let's start blogging! (;; 

♥: Henna.